11. Development of Music

The Turks brought a number of new musical instruments to India, such as the Rubab and the Sarangi. Musicians such as Amir Khusrow and Gopal Nayak were patronised by Ala-ud-din Khilji and were conferred the title of Nayak.

Though music was banned by Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq, his successors Muhammed-bin- Tughlaq and Firoz Shah Tughlaq gave encouragement to this art form.Sultan Firoz Shah Tughlaq was very fond of music. During his time, Indian work on classical music, the Ragadarpan, was translated into Persian.

Music was also popularised by the Sufis and this led to the development of qawalis, khayals etc. Ghunghat Ki Moondru was the first book on music written by a Muslim.

Badra-i-Chacha was a musician patronised by Muhammed-bin- Tughlaq. Firoz Shah Tughlaq conducted a musical ceremony of 21 days in commemoration of his coronation.