
Myths of Corona virus

What are the myths about Corona virus believed all around the world?

1.Myth: Kids won’t catch the Corona virus:

Truth: Children can definitely get Corona virus. By the February result of 44,000 covid-19 cases 2.2% of them are children. So like adults children are equally prone to the corona infection.

2.Myth: Package from China can contain Corona virus:

Truth: According WHO, it is safe to receive letters and packages from China. This virus survives poorly on the surface of the materials.

3.Myth: Vitamin C supplements can stop Corona virus:

Truth: Corona can damage your cells when infected. So taking Vitamin C in your diet can improve the immune system and prevent the attack of pathogens. It won’t stop Corona but improves your immune system to fight Corona.

4.Myth: If you are having Corona virus you can’t hold your breath for 10 seconds:

Truth: No, that is not true. Dr Faheem Younus, a chief in infectious disease says that even person infected with covid-19 can also hold their breath for 10 seconds. But it is little bit difficult for elderly person but it doesn’t confirm that they are infected by Corona virus.

5.Myth: Mosquito bite can transmit Corona virus:

Truth: No, mosquito can’t spread the new corona virus. Because it is a respiratory disease and can    spread through discharge from nose and saliva.

6.Myth: Corona virus wont spread in hot and humid areas:

Truth: COVID-19 spread in all areas including the hot and humid climatic condition countries. Hot and humid climate won’t affect the Corona virus.

7.Myth: Consuming alcohol can cure Corona virus:

Truth: Don’t try this type of useless ideas. Because there is no proven evidence that alcohol can cure the disease. And no medicine has been found for Corona virus up to date on earth.

8.Myth: You will die if you get Corona virus:

Truth: Not everyone who is infected with Corona virus will die. Most of the people that is 80% of the infected person will get only mild symptoms like fever, cough, tiredness, sore throat and shortness of breath which won’t need any special treatment at all.

9.Myth: Vaccines can protect you from Corona virus:

Truth: Covid-19 requires a new vaccine for itself. The vaccine against respiratory illness can reduce the effect of Corona virus. Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine are the respiratory vaccines.  

10. Myth: Corona virus can be detected using thermal scanners:

Truth: This is partial true but can’t be accepted entirely. The infected people can have high fever so it can be used to identify the infected one. But there are people out there without any single symptom but experiencing Corona virus.