
Stay productive – Corona Virus

How to stay productive during corona virus lockdown?

The Corona virus has changed everyone lives and collapsed the day to day schedules. He long walks have been changed to moving around your rooms. Your home is eventually turning into school, day care, restaurant, theater, conference room, office and what so ever. So if you are working from home, after finishing your morning routine you can sit for your job. If you lost your job you can reach out for help by file an unemployment note to the Government. And research for any other job you can get to work from your home itself.

1. Get Sleep:

Sleep can improve two major things in your body like immune system and mental health which is very much needed in the lock down period. If you improve your immune system and have a healthy mindset you can fight corona and other illness.

2. Workout:

You should practice some of the exercise related to your lungs. Since corona is a cardio vascular disease. Also exercise can make your stress go out of your body and keep you engaged. Get some fresh air through the exercise and follow all the guidelines from your government while doing so.

3. Don’t skip self care:

Your nervous system must be very much tired of your anxiety and stress. So make yourself feel relieved through some of the day to day self care routine. This includes daily bath, stretching, homemade spa, meditation and hair care.

4. Find ways to have fun:

You’re physically away from your loved ones but you can connect with them virtually. So make a video call and hear some stories. Share your experience with them.

5. Let your emotions out:

It is not wrong to be angry, be scared and be vulnerable. Don’t hold it back. If you let things out it will relieve your mind and physical body. There won’t be always happiness and joy you should learn to be in this stressful time too. So it’s ok to be feeling feared and stressed. Don’t fake your emotions. Do love yourself.

6. Accept the moment by being grateful:

Yes this is a bad time. We are quarantined and we have to follow social distancing. Our brain is designed in a manner to hold on to the negativity. But make your brain to learn to be grateful. Since you’re are sitting in your home and reading this. And many of us are in mortuary or in hospitals or treating patients or in the road to defense us. Be Grateful.

7. It’s ok to be non productive:

First thing, don’t compare yourself with others. At the same time don’t compare your productivity from those non-pandemic days with the production in the pandemic days. Take a piece of paper and list things about you and congratulate yourself (no need to show that paper to others, because you are letting yourself to know that you’re great.)

8. Share everything:

Not only food but also the household chores. Since everyone is working from home and children are off from school. We will be spending most of the time together. So divide all your works into small pieces and share it with your family members. From cooking, washing, cleaning, sweeping and teaching.

9. Being human:

If you are in a position to help others, you can do that. Since it will fill your mind, stomach, heart and possible everything. It’s true because having something that you can give to others in need can make you feel productive.

10. Cook:

List things in your kitchen and make something different from those ingredients. Trying things new can make you feel productive. And make your family members to feel refreshed.