
Perseverance Rover – Mars 2020

NASA’s coined their next rover as “perseverance” and scheduled its mission in 30th july 2020.The perseverance rover is handled by NASA’s jet propulsion LAB in pasadena near LOS Angeles and it weights about 2300 pounds(approx 1043 kgs) .This rover is nailed to the top of rocket.The perseverance rover is expected to depart cape canaveral,Florida in july 2020 and ultimately on Mars in Feb 2020.


The main purpose of this rover launch is to study about the “Red planet”.Also to examine the past microbial life on Mars and gather samples of Martian Rocks and regolith to study red planets climate and geology.This rover also collects dust sample for later mars missions which helps to know about human exploration on Mars planet.The perseverance rover is the 5th American rover to land on the Red Planet.

NASA is Programmed its mission launch in july 2025 because earth of Mars will be in good position for landing.Also they say it consumes less power for Travelling and landing on Mars.

Previous NASA’s Mars rovers Names

*Sojourn (1997)
*Spirit & Opportunity (2004)
*Curiosity (exploring Mars since 2012)
*Now,Perseverance (2020)