
Chapter 08 – Post Mauryan Period

  • After the decline of Mauryans Brahmanical culture revived under the Sungha dynasty. Sunga dynasty was soon followed by Kanva kingdom and which was followed by Kushanas who ruled in the North West and Satavahanas in the South.
  • With the fall of Mauryas the Norh western border become open for fresh invasions. This led to invasions by Indo Greeks, Scythians, Kushans etc. These were the vassals of the old Persian empire and with the decline of old Persian empire these warring tribes started to work on their expansionist ambition.
  • Indo Greeks were the first to invade. Menander/Milinda was the most important conqueror. He was converted to Buddhism by Nagasena. ‘Milinda Panho’, is the book depicting the dialogue between Nagasena and Milinda.Indo Greeks were the first to issue gold coins in India which can be attributed to of the ambassador of Indo Greek, named Heliodorus erected a Garuda Pillar at Besanagar.
  • Then came Shakas, they were also known as Scynthians.Saka kingdom established by Azes I, who founded Vikram era at 52 AD. There were various branches of saka rule in India. Rudradaman was the most famous Saka, as he repaired Sudarsana lake in Gujarat.
  • Parthians, other invaders had very less impact on India. It was the coming of Kushans which made a new chapter on the course of Ancient Indian history. Kujula Kadphises or Kadphises I was the founder of Kushans. Ruled majorly from Mathura and Peshawar. The most important king was Kanishka, who founded the Shaka era in AD Activate Windows 78. He was a great patron of Buddhism and Sanskrit literature. Kanishka issued gold GemSetting achab coins in large scale. Kanishka was the main patron of Mahayana, the new kind of Buddhism.
  • The Major contribution of Indo Greek and Kushans invasion and assimilation to the Indian culture was the emergence of Gandhara school of art. New method of worshiping Buddha emerged. Glass making also reached its peak. The craft of cavalry were employed in army by Kushanas.