The Mamluks, who had already conquered Persia (modern Iran), came to conquer India around 1100 AD. They were able to defeat the Rajput Kings of India by 1192 AD and took over Northern India.
By the end of the 12th century, Mohammed Ghori was successful in occupying Delhi and started a dynasty of rulers which, together with some later dynasties, came to be called the Delhi Sultanate.
The Sultanate of Delhi, said to have been formally founded by Qutb-ud-din-Aibak. The Delhi Sultanate began as a process of assimilation and accommodation between the Muslim culture and traditions of Central Asia and the Hindu culture and traditions of India. Following were the reasons of their success
- Absence of any powerful Central Authority in India.
- Disunity, mutual jealousy and lack of military system in the Rajput’s rule.
- Religious zeal among the Muslims and lack of unifying force among the Hindus.
In 1206, when Mohammed Ghori was killed and Qutb-ud-din Aibak became the ruler of Hindustan, the Sultanate included many of the important towns and strategic places in Northern India. This was the beginning of the Slave dynasty in India.
- The Slave Dynasty 1206-1290 AD
- The Khilji Dynasty 1290-1320 AD
- The Tughlaq Dynasty 1320-1414 AD
- The Sayyid Dynasty 1414-1451 AD
- The Lodhi Dynasty 1451-1526 AD
Of these five dynasties the first three were of Turkish origin and the origin of the Sayyids is disputed, but the Lodhis were Afghans.