Vijayanagara witnessed chaos and disorder after 1465 AD, due to weak rulers. However, the situation was saved by the Governor of Chandragiri, Narasimha Saluva, who seized the throne in about 1485 by what is known in history as the First Usurpation Dictator. Narasimha was succeeded by Timma and Imadi Narasimha, who were minors at the time of their coronation. The real power was in the hands of Narasa Nayak, who was the reagent.
Following the death of Narasa Nayak in 1505 AD, his son Vira Narasimha, succeeded as the reagent. He deposed Imadi Narasimha and laid the foundation of the Tuluva dynasty by what is known in history as the Second Usurpation Dictator..
Babur talked about Krishnadeva Raya (1509-1529 AD), as the greatest ruler of the Tuluva dynasty. He took the titles of Yavanaraja Sthapanacharya (restorer of the Yavana kingdom i.e. Bahmani), Abhinava-Bhoja, Andhra Pitamaha and Andhra Bhoja.
He was a gifted scholar in both Telugu and Sanskrit, of which only two works are extant-the Telugu work on polity Amuktamalyada and the Sanskrit drama Jambavati Kalyanam. As a great patron of literature, he was known as Abhinava Bhaja.
He maintained friendly relations with Albuquerque, the Portuguese Governor, whose Ambassador Friar Louis was a resident in Vijayanagara. He gave Albuquerque the permission to built a fort at Bhatkal. He built the Vijaya Mahal (House of Victory) and expanded the Hazara Rama temple and the Vithal Swami temple.
Krishnadeva Raya’s court was adorned by the following Ashtadiggajas (the eight celebrated poets)
- Peddana, who wrote Manucharitam and Harikathasaransamu.
- Timma, who wrote Parijatapaharavam.
- Madaya, who wrote Raja Shekarcharitam.
- Dhurjate, who wrote Kalahasti Mahatyam.
- Surona, who wrote Raghava Pandaviyam and Prabhavati Pradyuman.
- Tenali Ramalingam, who wrote Ponduranga Mahatyam.
- Ayyalaraju Ramabhadra, who wrote Sakalamata Sangraha Sara
- Rama Raja Bhushan, who wrote Kavyalankara Sangraham.