what is called Corona Virus and how it is recognized first?
Definition for Corona virus:
It is caused by the family of virus which range from common cold to Middle East Respiratory syndrome corona virus (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory syndrome corona virus (SARS). This type of virus lead to the upper respiratory infection in humans.

How Corona virus got originated?
Corona Virus is transmitting in between the animals. And some of them have the capability to transfer to the humans. This process is termed as spill over process. So far 7 types of corona viruses are detected
Mode of transmission:
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Personal contact
- Touching infected object or surface
- Fecal contamination
Where did the first Corona virus case get detected? On the month of December 2019, in Wuhan, a city of China it is emerged. And it is diagnosed with a laboratory test. The source of the virus is not yet detected but the early hypotheses thought it may transmitted from the sea food market in Wuhan. On Dec 1, 2019 the first case was reported but he has no link with the market.