
Chapter 07 – Mauryan Empire

The declining power of Nandas and brewing discontent against them among the people helped Chandra Gupta Maurya to wage a mutiny and overthrow Nandas. Books like Parinirvana Subba, a Buddhist text, Mudraraksasa a drama by Visakdatta etc mentions about the Mauryan Age and its glory. Chandragupta embarked upon an aggressive expansion policy. Seleucos | Nicator, who was Alexander’s satrap/province for the eastern Macedonian conquests, was defeated and had to cede the entire territory under him to Chandragupta, along with a daughter and considerable money. He also sent Megasthenes, who wrote the Indica, to the Mauryan court as the Greek ambassador.

Chandragupta used marriage alliances, diplomacy, trickery, and war to extend his kingdom. Under him, the Mauryan empire stretched from eastern Iran to the western borders of the Burmese hills, and from the Himalayan tribal kingdom to the southern plateaus of peninsular India. After ruling for about 25 years, Chandragupta abdicated in favour of his son, Bindusara, and became a Jain monk. Bindusara was known as the Amitragatha/slayer of enemies for his ruthless war field tactics. But out of all Mauryan Kings Asoka was the greatest. His war on Kalinga 261 BC was a turning point in his life. He became a staunch follower of Buddhism after this war. It was Mogaliputta Tissa who initiated Ashoka to Buddhism. He started sending Buddhist monks to Sri Lanka and Central Asia, and for establishing monuments marking several significant sites in the life of Gautama Buddha. Ashokas greatest contribution has been the rock and pillar edicts which he built to spread the message of Buddhism. Saranath pillar is the most famous one which has a lion abacus at its top. Major Rock edicts were:

Major Rock Edict I

Prohibits animal slaughter. Bans festive gatherings and killings of animals. Only two- peacocks and one deer were killed in Asoka’s kitchen. He wished to discontinue this practice of killing two peacocks and one deer as well.

Major Rock Edict II

Provides for care for man and animals, describes about Chola, Pandyas, Satyapura and Activate Windows Keralputra Kingdoms of South India

Major Rock Edict V

Concerns about the policy towards slaves. He mentions in this rock edict” Every Human is my child…” Appointment of Dhammamahamatras is mentioned in this edict.

Major Rock Edict VII

Requests tolerance for all religions

Major Rock Edict XIII

Asoka’s victory over Kalinga. Victory of Asoka’s Dhamma over Greek Kings, Antiochus, Ptolemy, Antigonus, Magas, Alexander and Cholas, Pandyas etc. This is the Largest Edict. It mentions Kamboj, nabhaks, Bhoja, Andhra etc.

Major Rock Edict XIV

  • Describes engraving of inscriptions in different parts of country.
  • Other than pillars and rock edicts, Ashoka also started constructing Buddhist Stupas and Viharas, which were the dwelling places for Buddhist monks. Sanchi Stupa is the famous one. Other main contribution was the construction of caves built in central India which were used by travelling bhikus/monks. Barabar Caves are the famous ones
  • The followers of Ashoka were weak rulers and finally Pushyamitra Sunga dethroned the last Mauryan ruler Brihadratha.