
Chapter 10 – Gupta Empire

  • Gupta period is considered a golden age in the history of India. Works like Devichandraguptam and Mudrarakshasam provide information on the rise of Guptas. The accounts of Fahien, Chinese traveler, who visited India during the reign of Chandragupta Il has left detailed description about Guptas.
  • First famous king of the Gupta dynasty was Ghatotkacha’s son Chandragupta I. He married Kumaradevi, the daughter of the chief of the Licchavis. This helped him in his territorial ambitions. He got Pataliputra in dowry from the Lichhavis. From Pataliputra, he laid the foundation of his empire and started conquering many neighbouring states with the help of the Licchavis. He started Gupta era in 320 AD.
  • Chandragupta I was succeeded by Samudragupta in about 330 A.D., who reigned for about fifty years. He was a great military genius and is said to have commanded a military campaign across the Deccan known as Dakshinapatha expedition and also subdued the forest tribes of the Vindhya region. He commanded Harisena his court poet to in script on Allahabad pillar erected by Ashoka. Allahabad inscription calls Samudragupta as Kaviraja
  • Samudragupta’s successor Chandragupta II, also known as Vikramaditya and Sakari conquered the extensive territories of Malwa, Gujarat and Kathiawar. This provided exceptional wealth, which added to the prosperity of the Guptas. The Guptas in this period engaged in sea trade with the countries of the west. It was most probably during his reign that Kalidas, the greatest Sanskrit poet and dramatist, as well as Imany other scientist and scholars flourished. Also, Fahien visited India during his period.
  • Gupta empire started to decline by the invasion of Huns.
  • The reign of Chandragupta II included the greatest promotion of science, art, philosophy, and religion by the government. His court contained the Navaratnas, or the Nine Jewels, a group of nine scholars who produced advancements in many academic fields.
  • These scholars included Aryabhata, who is believed to have envisioned the concept of zero, as well as working on the approximation for the long-form number Pi. Then there was Varahamihira, an astronomer, astrologer, and mathematician, whose main work is a treatise on mathematical astronomy. Sushruta, a famed Indian physician of the Gupta period, wrote the Samhita, a Sanskrit text on all of the major concepts of ayurvedic medicine, with innovative chapters on surgery. The game of chess also likely originated during this period, where its early form, Chaturanga, contained game pieces for infantry, cavalry, elephants, and chariots, each of which would evolve into the modern pawn, knight, rook, and bishop.
  • Administration was also efficient. Class of officials called Kumaramatyas and Ayuktas made a well oiled bureaucracy. Sandivigraha were the minister of foreign affairs. Provinces were divided as Bhuktis. And Bhuktis as Vishayas or districts.
  • But unfortunately caste system become rigid. Practice of untouchability slowly began. Position of women were also degraded as they were not allowed to learn Vedas.
  • When it comes to art and architecture, the growth of Nagara and Dravida style of Architecture evolved. Buddha Statue at Sarnath is very famous Gupta production. Sultanganj yakshi is another marvellous work. Cave paintings at Bhag in MP and Ajanta Caves also emerged during the Gupta time.