With the second wave of corona infection in India at rest, the daily corona outbreak has been steadily increasing for the past couple of days. Today’s corona damage is slightly higher than yesterday’s. Across India, 42,982 people have been diagnosed with a corona in the last 24 hours. The total […]

The second wave of corona infections across the country is slowly coming under control. Today’s corona damage is much greater than yesterday’s. Across India, 42,625 people have been diagnosed with a corona in the last 24 hours. The total impact has risen to 3,17,69,132. The death toll from the corona […]

The second wave of corona infections across the country is slowly coming under control. Today’s corona damage is much less than yesterday’s. Coronavirus infection has been confirmed in 30,549 people across India in the last 24 hours. The total impact has risen to 3,17,26,507. The death toll from the corona […]

The second wave of corona infections across the country is slowly coming under control. Today’s corona infestation is slightly less than yesterday’s. Kerala continues to be the number one corona daily victim nationwide. Across India, 40,134 people have been diagnosed with corona infection in the last 24 hours. The total […]

The second wave of corona infections across the country is slowly coming under control. Today’s corona damage is slightly less than yesterday’s. Kerala continues to be number one in corona’s daily impact across the country. It is noteworthy that 20,772 new cases have been reported in Kerala. Across India, 41,649 […]

The second wave of corona infections across the country is slowly coming under control. But it is noteworthy that today’s impact is slightly higher than it was two days ago. Across India, 44,230 people have been diagnosed with corona infection in the last 24 hours. The total impact has risen […]

The second wave of corona infections across the country is slowly coming under control. Today’s infection is slightly less than yesterday’s. Curfew controls implemented gradually reduce corona exposure and gradually return to default. Corona infections have been confirmed in 43,509 people across India in the last 24 hours. The total […]

The second wave of corona infections across the country is slowly coming under control. The incidence of corona infection is slightly higher today than yesterday. Curfew controls implemented gradually reduce corona exposure and gradually return to default. Corona infections have been confirmed in 43,654 people across India in the last […]

The second wave of corona infections across the country is slowly coming under control. Curfew controls implemented gradually reduce corona exposure and gradually return to default. Across India, 29,689 people have been diagnosed with a corona in the last 24 hours. The total impact has risen to 3,14,40,951. As many […]

The second wave of corona infections across the country is slowly coming under control. Curfew controls implemented gradually reduce corona exposure and gradually return to default. Across India, 39,361 people have been diagnosed with corona infection in the last 24 hours. The total impact has risen to 3,14,11,262. As many […]

The second wave of corona infections across the country is slowly coming under control. Today’s impact in India is slightly higher than yesterday’s corona. Curfew controls implemented gradually reduce corona exposure and gradually return to default. Across India, 39,097 people have been diagnosed with a corona in the last 24 […]