Leading companies and business associations around the world have teamed up to launch a global task force to mobilize and distribute resources to help areas in high demand for the COVID-19 epidemic.
*This global working group is a US-based public-private partnership U.S. Organized by the Chamber of Commerce and supported by the Business Circle.
*The Global Task Force works with US and Indian government officials to share information and coordinate efforts.
Global Task Force :
*This global working group is led by U.S. Guided by a steering committee consisting of C-suite executives of companies, businesses and non-profit organizations.
*Members of the Global Task Force include Sunder Pichai (CEO of Alphabet Inc.), Andy Jassie (CEO of Amazon Web Services), Tim Cook (CEO of Apple), Arvind Krishna (CEO and CEO of IBM), Suzanne Clark (Chairman) And CEO (US Chamber of Commerce), Brad Smith (President of Microsoft).
*The task force is said to be working with the US-India Chamber of Commerce and the US-India Strategic Partnership to tackle the COVID-19 uprising in India.