Jupiter is the largest Planet in the whole solar system. This Planet is the brightest Planet which has the one thousandth mass of the Sun. This Planet is a gas giant as it is filled with the gas. In ancient civilization, the Planet had been known and so it was named after the Roman Jupiter.
Features of Jupiter
Jupiter is the fifth largest Planet from the sun, which is at a distance of 779 million from the Sun. This Planet has a diameter of 1,33,708Km and requires 12 years to rotate around the Sun for one time.
The Jupiter has a large gravity of 24.79m/s2, which is larger than Earth that has the gravity of 9.8m/s2. The size of the Jupiter is such that the Earth can fit into the Jupiter. Due to the strong magnetic field of this Planet, it is hard for humans to analyze its large size. This Planet has a large magnetosphere and rotates over its axis.
Structure of Jupiter
Jupiter does not allow the sunlight to penetrate into its core, since the dense cloud protects that from the sunlight. A day on the Jupiter has only 9 hours(9.8 earth days). This Planet has an atmosphere that spans for 4828Km of height. This Planet has the orbit of 11.9Km earth years.
Elements and Atmosphere of Jupiter
The Jupiter contains the poisonous gases like the Hydrogen, Helium and lightning rips via the clouds. This Planet does not have the surface area and it is made of only gases. There is no rocky surface inside this Planet but has only the gases. Then the core of the Jupiter is much similar to Earth, but it contains the gases Helium(24%) and Hydrogen(75%) in its total mass. This Planet is much similar to the Sun than the earth.
Jupiter clouds
The cloud layer in this Planet is 50Km deep and has two forms of clouds. They are the thin deck and the thick deck cloud. Apart from these two layers, there is also an Ammonia layer. Then the flashes of lightning seen in the atmosphere of the Jupiter are thousand times powerful than the lightning on the Earth. Here the water clouds produces the thunderstorms like the terrestial thunderstorms which are driven by the interior’s heat.
Then the compounds in which the ultraviolet light from the Sun produces the brown and orange colors in the clouds of this Planet. Even though there is no evidence, these contents are guessed as the hydrocarbons, phosphorus or the sulfur. To balance the temperature at the layer of the cloud, the convection process inside the Planet carries out more energy to the Poles.
Special feature of Jupiter
The very interesting feature on this Planet is the Great Red Spot, which is a big cyclone similar to the hurricane that existed for above 300 years. This Planet rotates by its axis faster than any other Planet and takes less than 10 hours to finish the rotation, while our Earth takes 24 Hours. These storms are usually inside the atmosphere of this Planet. This Planet has brown and white ovals which are same as storms.
Here the White ovals contain cool clouds in the upper atmosphere. While the Brown ovals stay warm inside the normal cloud layer. Such storms may exist for a longer or shorter time.
Perihelion and Aphelion
This Planet holds the Perihelion of 460,276,100miles or 740, 742,600Km which is the closest distance to the sun. It is comparatively 5.036 times of the Earth.
This Planet has the Aphelion of about 507,089,500miles or 816,081,400Km which is the farthest approach from the sun. This is comparatively 5.366 times of that of Earth
Appearance of Jupiter
The largest Volume of the Planet can cover 1300 Earths inside it, which means the Earth is tiny if you compare with the Jupiter. Then the dark and colorful bands covering this Planet, are formed by the winds of east-west direction above the atmosphere. These winds have the speed of 335mph.
In the polar region of this Planet, the stronger radio emission is due to the magnetosphere of the Jupiter. Inside this Planet, the torus of particles is due to the injection of the gas into this Planet’s Magnetosphere, as an effect of the Volcano on the Jupiter’s moon.
Position in the solar system: Fifth Planet in the solar system.
Features: Shape – spherical; Core diameter – 133708Km
1 day Rotation by Jupiter – 9.8 hours.