Moon planet is the largest and natural satellite that rotates around the earth in its orbit. This natural satellite is the fifth largest satellite and second densest satellite after the Jupiter satellite in the solar system. The Moon is the brightest celestial object seen in the Earth’s sky after the Sun.
Formation of Moon
The Moon was said to have formed some 4.51billion years ago, which was the 60 million years after the formation of the whole Solar system. The belief is that the moon took its formation from the left out materials of the impact that took place between the Earth and a body called Theia(have a size of Mars). To Know more other famous saturn.
Some researches tell that the moon might be still older than the 4.51billions years. Many processes like the Moon’s fission from the earth’s crust, the preformed moon’s gravitational capture and the co-formation of the moon and the earth have been proposed till now. But they cannot explain the angular momentum of the Moon-earth system.
Features of Moon
The apparent size of the Moon is same as that of the Sun, because the star is more than 400 times the lunar diameter and the distance. Then the moon’s average orbital distance is 384,402Km, which is nearly thirty times the diameter of the Earth. So only the moon is able to cover the Sun at the time of Solar eclipse.
Structure of Moon Planet
Due to the gravitational irregularities, the tidal extension with its axis is displaced for an angle of 30 degrees away from the earth, so the Moon is scalene ellipsoid. Then the Moon compacted at the time it orbited to a half of the distance around the Earth. Now it is chill for its shape to make the adjustment toward its orbit. To explore other famous planet jupiter.
Then the Moon makes the synchronous rotation with the Earth, thus always flourishes the similar side(the near side) to the Earth. Due to this activity, above 50% of the moon’s surface can be seen from the Earth. The darker volcano maria filling the gaps between the bright highlands and the significant pits. Even though the Moon looks brighter in the sky, its surface is so dark.
Atmosphere and season of Moon
The axial inclination of the moon as per the eclipse is lesser than the Earth. Due to this, the moon light varies only less with the topology and the season. Then the average temperature on the moon varies with respect to the shadow or sunlight.
Chemical Elements of the Moon
The gravitation on the Moon causes the little lengthening of days, body tides and ocean tides. The Alumina, magnesia, lime, silica, titanium dioxide, iron oxide and sodium oxide are the chemical elements present in the Moon. This natural satellite contains the mantle, core and the crust. Then the iron rich core of this Moon has a radius of 240Km and the liquid outer core with a radius of 300Km. On the core, there is a boundary that is partially molten with a radius of 500 kilometers.
It is believed that the magma ocean’s fractional crystallization is responsible for the structure of the Moon since the formation of the Moon before 4.5 billion years ago.
Research On Moon planet
There have been several Missions that were set by different countries to perform the research on the Moon. In August 2018, the research by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper(M3) of Chandrayaan1 spacecraft showed the evidence of the water on the surface of the moon. The water ice deposits on the lunar surface were found on the South and the North poles. This water in an large amount is found in the South, got trapped into the craters leaving it to exist on the surface in the form of ice . Since they get protected from the Sunlight.
Perigee and Apogee of the Moon The Perigee is a location on the orbit of the natural satellite or the Moon, at which the Moon is closer to the Earth. The Perigee of the moon is 362600Km. Then the Apogee is a location on the orbit of the natural satellite or Moon, at which that is farthest to the Earth. The moon has an Apogee of 405500Km.
Position in the solar system: Rotates around the Earth.
Features: Shape – spherical; Formation- 4.51 billion years ago.
Perigee – 362, 600Km, Apogee – 405,400 Km.