The Government of Punjab is the first state to introduce the use of Electronic Identity Cards (eIDs) with Near Field Communication (NFC) technology for government officials and employees.
*NFC technology is a wireless communication technology that allows data transfer between devices at intervals of a few centimeters.
*These NFC-based eIDs will be used as the primary authentication tool and will run at a speed of 13.66 MHz and convert data up to 424 kbit / s.
*An employee will be authorized by the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) data, where the details of each officer and employee will be stored in the form of a service book.
*For non-contact identification, especially during the COVID-19 era, NFC-enabled mobile phones incorporated smart chips (known as secure components).These allow phones to be stored securely and use data that matches the person’s identity.
Punjab is the first state in India to introduce a Digi-Locker facility for farmers..
Apart from promoting power management, Punjab also introduced a Digi-Locker facility for its farmers, making it the first state in India to do so.
*The Digital J-Form in Digi Locker can be used to raise funds from financial institutions, IT discounts, grant requests, farmer insurance, etc.
*This means that farmers in Punjab can print or download digital copies of their J-forms from the current wheat procurement 2021 season.