
Symptoms of Corona

what are the symptoms of Corona virus in human body?

One person got infected through Corona Virus from any of the infected person. The virus incubates in your body for about 14 days before showing any serious issues. When you experiencing any of the below symptoms, you can call the helpline number to get medical support. An early treatment is way safer than anything for us and the people around us.

Basic symptoms of Corona Virus or Covid-19:

  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of sense and loss of smell
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle aches
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fever
  • Cough

Rare symptoms of Corona Virus or Covid-19:

  • Respiratory problem
  • Fatigue
  • Kidney failure
  • Death

No symptoms but infected:

In some rare cases people infected with Corona Virus and have cough but no high fever. These may seen in the first few days of the virus infection. So you should be cautious and alert. So it is proven that covid-19 can come with minimum symptom or no symptom at all.

FAQ on Corona Virus:

  1. How to differentiate between the common flu and Corona Virus?

In case of Flu getting fever is common but in Corona fever is rare but seen at the later stages of infection. In case if Corona virus it is rare to get diarrhea, runny nose and sneezing. Additionally you will have dry cough.

  • How to tell that it is Corona Virus from strep throat and cold allergy?

Strep throat is as a result of the bacterial lining. The symptoms are always accompanied by fever and sore throat. In case of Allergy you may get itchiness in eyes, stuffiness in nose and sneezing. So Corona Virus on the other hand is having shortness of breath, fever and cough.

  • Can we take ibuprofen for Corona Virus?

We shouldn’t take any medicine without the proper guidance from the doctor. World Health Organization (WHO), didn’t says anything about not to use ibuprofen. And there are no reported negative cases of patients that have used ibuprofen.

  • What are the symptoms of Corona Virus in children?

Similar to adults, babies too have cough, fever, sore throat, difficulty breathing and diarrhea. Children with serious illness alone require treatment at hospital. In case of new born they are developing serious pneumonia due to this Corona Virus.

  • What are the very early signs of Corona Virus?

Initially the people at the starting stage experiences fatigue, headache, sore throat or fever. Rare cases people used to experience loss of taste and smell. Most of eth cases the symptoms are mild at the beginning. But any of the cases if they develop pneumonia then the situation becomes serious. So the severity of the disease and attack varies from person to person.