Uranus is the Planet with the third largest radius, which is the seventh Planet in the Solar system. This Planet has the fourth largest mass , in the Solar system.

Structure of Uranus
Like the Neptune, the Uranus has a large chemical composition. The chemical composition of both these Planets is different from the largest Planets Saturn and the Jupiter. So only, the scientists categorize the Uranus and the Neptune as the “ice giants”. The inner part of the Uranus, contains the rock and the ice. This Planet contains the three layers a rocky core, an outer Helium or Hydrogen covering and an icy mantle.
The Uranus can be seen through the naked eyes, similar to other classical Planets. But the ancient researchers did not recognize that as the Planet, because of its slow orbit and the dimness. On 13th March 1781, Sir William Herschel was the first one to discover this Planet by expanding the known limits of the Solar system. This was the first Planet found using the telescope. The planet was seen many times, before it got the recognition as a Planet, but that mistaken as a star.
Features of Uranus
The mass of the Uranus is 14.5 times that of our Earth, which is lesser than the other giant Planets. This Planet is the second less densest Planet, with a density of 1.27g/cm3. Though the mass of ice, is not known precisely, it may be of 9.3 to 13.5 that of Earth masses. A small portion of the Planet, only contains the Hydrogen and the Helium. While the remaining portion, contains the rocks. The planet takes 84 years to complete one rotation around the Sun.
Atmosphere of Uranus
The atmosphere of the contains the Hydrogen and the Helium, as its primary composition like the Saturn. But it contains water, methane and Ammonia in the form of ice, along with the least amount of Hydrocarbons. This Planet has the coldest atmosphere, with a low temperature of 49K or -224C. This Planet has a structure of cloud layers with the water, which forms the lowest clouds. Then the methane forms the upper layers of clouds.
Like the other giant Planets, its upper atmosphere, encounters the strong winds in the direction, it rotates. The three layers of this planet atmosphere are the Troposphere( between -300 to 50Km), the stratosphere( between 50 to 4000Km) and the thermosphere( above 4000Km). It has no mesosphere like others.
Magnetic Field of Uranus
The Uranus has a magnetosphere, a ring system and many moons similar to the other large Planets. This Planet with the tilted axis of rotation on its sides, gives a unique configuration. Therefore the north and south poles of this Planet, lie where there are equators of other Planets. The magnetosphere of the Uranus, contains the electrons and the protons, along with a small content of H2+ ions. But no heavier contents are found.
Moons of Uranus
The planet has 27 natural satellites, which are known. The five main natural satellites are the Titania, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel and the Oberon, where the name selection was made using the Shakespeare novel. This Planet has the least massive satellite, among the giant Planets.
Perihelion and Aphelion
The Planet Uranus has the Perihelion of 18.33 AU, which is the nearest distance to the sun. This Planet holds the Aphelion of about 20.11AU, which is the farthest approach from the sun.
Research on Uranus
In 1986, the Voyager2 spacecraft captured the images of the Uranus. In that, the planet was seen as the featureless Planet without the storms or the cloud bands unlike the other Planets, in the visible light. The wind can travel in a speed of 250 metres per second. In 2007, when this planet reached its equinox, the seasonal change and increase in weather, was seen from the earth. The Voyager2 spacecraft, went closer to Uranus, going below 81,500Km of the cloud tops in January 1986. This spacecraft analyzed the chemical composition and the structure of the atmosphere , even its weather.
Position in the solar system: Seventh Planet in the solar system.
Features: Shape – spherical; Uranus density – 1.27g/cm3.
Time taken by Uranus to orbit the Sun – 84 years.
Perihelion – 18.33A.U, Aphelion – 20.11A.U.