The Venus planet is the brightest Planet in the solar system. This Planet is the second Planet from the Sun at a distance of about 108 million Km.

Features of Venus
This Planet has a size similar to our Earth and has a diameter of 12,104Km. Venus is the brightest, the Venus is seen from the Earth in the sky from the beginning. The Venus rotates backward on its axis, when compared to Earth. So that the sun set in the east direction and the rise in the West direction for the Venus. A day on the Venus equals the 241 Earth Days, which is the time taken by that Planet to make complete one rotation.
Structure of Venus
This Planet is one of the neighboring Planet to the Earth and got the name as Venus, marking the Roman Goddess of love and beauty. This Planet has a core which is molten partially, a crust and a rocky cover. Then the Venus has a pressure that equals the pressure which is 1000m down into the ocean of the Earth. So this pressure of Venus is not suitable for human, since the human body can tolerate only 500 meters.
Atmosphere of Venus
The Venus has a toxic and thickest atmosphere that contains clouds of the sulfuric acid, so this Planet is a good example for the greenhouse effect. Then the average temperature on the surface of the Venus is 465ºC. The atmosphere of the Venus, is poisonous that contains 96% of Carbon dioxide and little traces of Nitrogen. So this Planet is not suitable for human life.
As the surface on the Venus is denser, the lightning and the rainfall occurs only in the atmosphere on the upper side. This Planet contains the clouds of the sulfur dioxide. This Planet also comprises the elements like nitrogen, argon, helium, water vapor, carbon monoxide and neon in a very small amount.
The temperature on the surface of the Venus does not change between the two hemispheres, which is found by the transfer of the heat by the winds and the thermal inertia. Thus the Venus makes a slower rotation.
Here the winds are slower on the Venus surface, but the atmosphere’s higher density at the surface puts force against the dust and the small stones across the surface. This shows that it is hard for the human to walk here.
Perihelion and Aphelion
This Planet Venus has the Perihelion of about 107,477,000Km which is the closest distance to the sun.
This Planet Venus holds the Aphelion of about 108,939,000Km which is the farthest approach from the sun.
Comparison between Venus and earth
Both the Venus and the Earth have a similar rate of cooling, hence they are partially liquid. The Venus is slightly smaller in size than our Earth, so the Venus has an internal pressure which is 24% lesser than the Earth. The only difference between the Earth and the Venus is that, there is no proof for plate tectonics on the Venus. It may be less viscous due to non availability of water and stronger crust. Due to this, there is a reduction in heat loss, so no cooling occurs in the Venus. Thus there is the least magnetic field in the Planet, which is produced internally.
Magnetic field of Venus
The magnetic field on Venus was much weaker than the Earth’s magnetic field. This was found through the Venera4 in 1967. Here the interaction between the solar wind and the ionosphere produced this smaller magnetic field. This small magnetosphere gives only less protection to the atmosphere of Venus, from the cosmic radiation. It was expected to have dynamo in the core of the Venus, since this has a size similar to earth. This Dynamo needs three things like the rotation, convection and conducting liquid.
Here in this Planet, the solar wind interacts with the outer surface, which results in the weak magnetosphere. Then the neutral molecules dissociate from the UV radiation to create the ions of the oxygen and the hydrogen. These ions come out of the gravity field, by gaining energy from the solar wind.
Exploration of Venus For exploring the Venus, there are 26 missions between the USA and the USSR. The scientists are still in search of the proof in ocean water, even though many researchers believe that water was there on the surface once.