
World’s First Nano Urea Introduced by IFFCO

Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) has introduced the world’s first nano urea liquid for farmers at its 50th Annual General Body Virtual Meeting. Nano urea liquid production is expected to start by June 2021.

*Nano urea fluid is usually formulated to replace urea and can reduce the demand for urea by at least 50%.
*Scientists at the Nano Biotechnology Research Center in Kalol, Gujarat, have developed a nano urea liquid based on Atmanirbar Bharat and Atmanirbar Krishi
*Nano urea has been added to the government’s Fertilizer Control Authority after conducting field tests on 43 crops under the auspices of the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARS), 20 ICAR research institutes, state agricultural universities and agronomic centers.

Features of Nano urea fluid :

*Nano urea fluid is efficient for plant nutrition, which increases productivity with improved nutrient quality.
*Nano urea liquid will have a positive effect on groundwater quality, with a very significant reduction in global warming with the impact of climate change and sustainable development.
*The nano urea liquid used by farmers will enhance the balanced nutrition program by reducing the excessive use of urea in the soil and protect the crops from strong, healthy, and frost effects.