Muppandal Wind Farm
The Muppandal Wind Farm is one of the largest onshore wind farms in India. This Wind Farm developed by the TamilNadu Energy Development Agency, is situated in Kanyakumari district in TamilNadu.
The Muppandal Wind Farm with the installed capacity of 1500MW, is one among the largest onshore wind farms of the world. The Indian Government had a plan to advance the wind power programme to add the villages of India. In the villages, more than 75% of India’s people live their life. In 2003, India was the fifth in the list of global wind power league table, after the German, Spain, USA and the Denmark.
India and Wind Farms
When the installed capacity was 1.870MW, the Government had a plan to increase to 6000MW within 2012. The other western countries like England, made the major investments in the wind power. In the decade1990-2000, the wind was the fastest developing energy source in the world. Then starting with the generating capacity of 4800MW in 1995 to the 31100MW of power in 2002, it was sufficient to fulfill the home needs of nearly 40million Europeans. The cost of wind had dropped, from 38 cents per KWh to 4 cents per KWh in 1980s. To obtain more information about other famous power plant Koodankulam.
Power Generation Capacity
The financial and the economic review of the windmills which has the rated power of above 500KW, are profitable since 1999. The factors like the demand in energy markets, advanced technology and the bulk investments are crucial to choose the windmills with the shortest repay time. These factors are also helpful to install the higher rated power windmills in the Muppandal Wind Farm.
Earlier, the 20 wind turbines had completed the generation of 25.5MW power in India. Then the turbines gave 17MW of power to ten turbines that produced 8.5MW, which was installed between the March and April 2005.
Operation of Power Plant
A simple principle is used for the generation of wind energy. The wind blowing on the turbine rotates the turbines in the wind farm. Then these wind turbines rotate to generate the mechanical energy. Every Turbine is connected to the rotor of the Generator, which in turn generates the electrical energy. To explore other famous power station neyveli.
Advantages of Wind Energy
The Muppandal Wind Farm has many advantages. The Wind energy is cheaper and abundant in nature. This wind energy will not be exhaustible, till the life on earth. This energy is distributed widely and cleanest.
The cost in the Muppandal Wind farm was nearly Rs.3.5 to Rs.3.6 per kWh
Transport facilities
You can reach the Muppandal through the train or the bus. Then you can a bus from Chennai, to reach this Place. If you travel by train, then you can choose the Kanyakumari train to reach this place. The nearest Airport is the Trivandrum Airport. From there, you can choose a road transport to reach the site.
Location: Muppandal, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu.