North Chennai Power Plant

The North Chennai Thermal Power Station is located in Thiruvallur District in Tamil Nadu. This is a coal based power Plant, which is about 25Km away from the Chennai metropolitan city. To explore other famous power plant muppandal.
Capacity of Power Generation
The North Chennai Power Plant has a total installed capacity of 1,830 MW. For the year 2010- 2011, the generation was 4510.863 MU and PLF(Plant Load factor) was 81.74%.
Source of raw material
To operate the Power plant, they get the coal from the Eastern coal fields Limited of West Bengal and the Mahanadi coal fields Limited of Orissa.
A large amount of waste got from the combustion of coal, mixes into the marshlands and the Buckingham Canal. There they leak coal ashes into the ponds and discharge the hot water into the Ennore water source. This Power plant causes the pollution in the places like Athipattu Pudunagar in Ennore. This affects the life of many residents. Then the metals like selenium goes into the body of the fish and affect their reproducing ability.
During the time, when the Indian Government had the cash incentive reward scheme , the North Chennai Power station, has won the cash awards, the shields, the Certificates and the Medals for the reduction in Oil usage and the larger productivity from the Government of India. This Power station has won the Gold Shield from the productivity Reward scheme of the Indian Government for the 2001-2002 and the 2002-2003. For the years 2000-2001 and the 2003-2004, this Plant won peak hour generation.
This Plant has all the clearances like the Coastal Regulation Zone(CRZ) and the Environmental Clearance(EC) got from the MOEF, to install the Coastal Thermal Power Plant depending on imported coal. This Plant is owned by the NTPC and the TANGEDCO.
The total construction cost of the North Chennai Power Plant was Rs. 91.93billion.
Transport facilities
You can reach this North Chennai Power Plant either through the road transport or the train. The total time taken to reach this Plant is 30 minutes, since the distance between the Chennai and the North Chennai Power Plant is 19Km. The other option to reach this station, is to travel through train of line 66035, from the Chennai Central station. The visitors coming by flight can reach the Chennai Airport. From there, choose a road transport to reach this place.
Location: North Chennai, Tamil Nadu.